Monday, April 28, 2008

7 Weeks

Today Jon and I saw our baby's heart beating for the first time. It was a beautiful moment for us with special family bonding. I saw the baby first and said "I see him!" Jon didn't know there was a separate screen for us to look at up in the corner. Then he saw the baby and grabbed my hand. We were both elated and laughed with joy. There is something about seeing your baby and peeking into his world that really makes parenthood become real and natural. I think especially because of our loss before (which was not a baby, but a molar pregnancy) and the year-long waiting period, this ultrasound was a great and joyous reassurance.

In addition to celebrating our new child, it was also deeply meaningful for me to bond with Jon. When we had our hands together it was somehow more significant than our everyday hand holding. We've almost known each other now for five years and have been holding hands almost as long...Some moments though stand the first time we held hands as boyfriend and girlfriend...then when he took my hand to propose and for three months we held hands as fiances...then when we were first married and held hands walking down the aisle to be greeted by everyone who witnessed our marriage....then on our honeymoon...then through the two beautiful  years we have been married...and then today when we saw our first child on the ultrasound screen.

I am thankful for our first baby (and even if we do not get the privilege to hold him in our arms, we know that his soul exists forever), but today I am also thankful for my husband who I consider to be the finest man that I have ever known. Something that I have realized in being married to Jon is that no matter how much I love him, he will always be a mystery and I will always be able to grow in love for him. I also know how infinitely God loves him. I am just so happy to be entrusted with Jon and blessed with him as my husband--there is no one else that I would want to hold hands with for the rest of my life.