Tuesday, October 2, 2007


From 40 Days for Life Blog:

* In College Station, TX, Planned Parenthood put up a
huge black tarp across their fence to block their
customers from seeing prayer volunteers or talking
to sidewalk counselors. What ever happened to giving
women a choice?

* In many locations across the country, Planned
Parenthood has launched its laughable "Pledge-a-
Picketer" campaigns, attempting to dissuade 40 Days
for Life prayer volunteers from coming out by
trying to convince them that they are actually
raising money for the abortion chain.

* In the media, Planned Parenthood has tried to
falsely portray 40 Days for Life volunteers as
violent, threatening, harassing, and hateful. For
anyone who has been out to a 40 Days for Life vigil,
you know that is the exact opposite of the truth...
but for a business that makes millions by killing
people, lying isn't difficult either.

Sadly, today at 10 a.m., a 22,000 square-foot abortion mega center was opened in Aurora, Illinois.

"In His great mercy, the Lord has given us an
opportunity to be truly faithful -- to continue to
trust in him even more deeply as we face the sorrow
of this day."

"So let us be sorrowful -- we must feel sorrow on
this day -- but let that sorrow rest upon a firm
foundation of hope. Let our refrain this day be:
'Jesus, we trust in you!'"

We are not to despair, but instead are called to look
to the future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11-12)