Sunday, September 28, 2008

A small reflection on baptism as the threshold to the life of faith

Maybe the image of a river was planted in my mind from reading...but the image became a raging one at Mass this morning as I reflected on God's desire for each one of us, especially those of us who are indelibly marked with the seal of baptism.

The river rages, pulling us all along in the same direction. It is one river, as the way to salvation is through one church, one bride. The water is cleansing and powerful and regenerative, as are the sacraments. It is constantly flowing; constantly picking up new souls. It is also scary at times as we have to trust God's movement in our lives. God knows where this river is leading us even if we cannot see or comprehend its entry to the sea that is the rest and celebration of the wedding feast.

With our free will, we are free to leave this river, to hold on to some rock on the way, to hold on to some attachment to the world or to ourselves, which we call sin. We are free to pull out of it and throw ourselves on dry land since it seems easier because it may appear to be the way of less suffering, at least for the moment. But, we should remember, God's river is rushing while any stop for us is an obstacle that we place, not one that God does. His will is that the river flows and carries us to the love of the Trinity. And many a time, we can all say, God has a way of pulling us back from that rock or land or weed right back into his passionate love.

Now, what occurred most to me at Mass while I reflected on this image was why I have so often chosen, as St. Augustine says, the lesser goods to the greatest good of all? Why would any of us want to grab a rock and resist the love that constantly moves the river forward? I think there are a multitude of answers to this question. Thankfully, there are also a multitude of graces to help us all abandon ourselves to God's love and to His desire to bring us to Himself today and for eternity.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful writing.
Love Natasha