Saturday, September 13, 2008

6 Mos 3 Weeks

Today was an exciting day. Went to a Pittsburgh Babywearers meeting and finally figured out how to use my ring sling! I was also introduced to some great ways to wear your baby in a Moby Wrap, a long piece of fabric that wraps around you and baby, distributing support very well all over. I can definitely see myself very happy with both, however, for different uses. Now, the question is whether Clare will dig them or not. Regardless, if she doesn't, then maybe the next baby will!

Anyway, I am ready to meet our daughter face to face. I have no picture in my mind of what (I should say who!) she looks like, except that I am expecting a dark haired little one. I also expect her to be long because Jon is 6'3" and I am no shrimp myself ;) but as far as her face, no idea whatsoever. All I know is I LOVE HER. I also know she is quite vivacious and likes for me to know she is there--by her wiggles and punches and somersaults. She also loves her papa already and starts to move whenever he is near and talking. A lot has been going on this month and people are right to say the second trimester rocks.

With God's grace, I am ready to die to myself for her like I do for Jon (okay, most of the time, but I am always repentant!!). Not "doing my best" like the saying goes: "She did her best as a mother." More "I suffered out of love for Christ and for her." Love is proved and perfected in suffering. My prayer is that I am humbled by motherhood, encouraged by God's love, and purified by suffering. Then I can really say that all I did for Clare was but for the grace of God and not me "doing my best" because alone my best is pretty crappy.